<iggy5@pacbell.net> |
27 de abril de 2010 04:04
Para: nena bustamante
<carbustro@telefonica.net>, Maria Luz Porta
<mialuzporta@gmail.com>, Manuel Sanz
<mnlsanz@yahoo.com>, PAPA
(or miracles) happen when we stop using fear and doubt
to interfere with the infinite capacity of the
Cosmos. Magic/miracle is in fact the way of the
feminine (the Ma the Mir). Logic is the way of the
masculine (the Law).
Today's world does not
recognize the power of MA (which appears to the
untrained senses as chaos). The world is consumed by
its obsession with LAW . . . and the predictability
of ORDER. This is the world of a child needing the
predictability of order to feel safe. This is the
world that produces GOD as this disciplinary father
figure . . . the world of the exclusive
This attitude will soon be forced from the
avoidant grip of humanity as the era changes.
This is what we are beginning to experience at this
time. The more you are open to magic, the more
you will feel centered and at peace in these changing
times. The new evolution is one that engages GOD as
the balance of both male and female. It is this
awareness that opens to the infinite possibility of
reality rather than the limited predictability of
any particular opinion or cultural fantasy.
in this more cosmic sensitivity there is an authority
that allows us to track all that has been and sort
through it to provide the greatest guidance for all
that can be. This is the way that those who have
gone before us (of all breeds and species) are able
to guide us from their loftier perspective. They are
known beyond timespace as Angels, guides, fairies and
power-animals and they are all around us by the
thousands . . . a number known in scripture as
Legions. They await our courage of self
authorization to secure the connection . . . believe
it when it is said, it is a very "high-speed"
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